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Click the link with the arrow to contribute to the specified fund. If recurring donations have been set up for a fund, a "Schedule Donation" link will appear for that fund. Click the Schedule Donation link to make a recurring donation.

The target alley for the first resurfacing is Alleghany as determined by the Land Use Committee. This is at an estimated cost of $168,540. We need to raise 50% of this amount for the work to begin.  Phase 1 – Allegheny - $84,270.  DPW will then give us 3 more years after they begin the project to raise the remainder – Phase 2 – Allegheny - $84,270.  The dollars will come from various fundraising efforts, beginning with a Home Tour in September, contributions from residents and support from the Lockerbie Square Foundation. Seems daunting?? It is! This is a multi-phase long-term project. Much like the Urban Pioneers did in the 70s, we are just going to begin. Faith and Lockerbie Pride will do the rest. PLEASE BE A PART OF IT.

US$60,434.40 received toward our goal of US$168,540.00

The purpose of the Lockerbie Square Foundation is to:

  • To promote the preservation of the unique heritage of the area known as Lockerbie Square...and to create a total urban environment with respect for the past developed and listed in the National Register of Historic Places; 
  • To preserve and restore and replace its artifacts and historical items;
  • To preserve the historic or architectural character of the community through the acquisition and subsequent disposition of historically or architecturally significant properties subject to restrictive covenants designed to preserve their historical state for the benefit of the public; and
  • To combat community deterioration, to promote the protection and enhancement of this historically and architecturally significant area, and to otherwise lessen the burdens of the local, state, and federal government.

Donations to the Foundation would include supporting activities like preservation and infrastructure projects within the neighborhood. The Lockerbie Square Neighborhood Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit and contributions may be tax-deductible. Talk to a tax professional. 


Lockerbie Square

PO Box 44410
Indianapolis, IN 46244-0410

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