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Support Your Neighborhood

Join the Lockerbie Square Neighborhood Association (LSNA): 

The organization relies on membership to provide support for our community.  Your annual dues help support neighborhood activities, give you a voice in what happens in the neighborhood, and covers operating costs like website hosting, snow removal, delivery of Urban Times, lighting Lockerbie, events, and more. All paid members can vote on items in our monthly meetings, receive the e-newsletter, access the member's directory, meeting minutes, and members-only pages on the LSNA website.

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Make a charitable gift to the Lockerbie Square Foundation:

The Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization. Donations go towards infrastructure improvements, lighting (look for our special light poles throughout the area), historic preservation of shared spaces (sidewalk upkeep for one), and other items.

Donate to Foundation

Read All About It


Urban Times: Check out the Lockerbie Square section in Urban Times each month to learn more about your neighbors, history, events, and a variety of other topics. The Urban Times is also available online



Monthly Meetings: Stay informed about construction projects, volunteer opportunities, upcoming events, and safety issues that affect our district. Meetings are the second Tuesday of every month except July and December when we have our July 4th and Holiday gatherings.


Neighborhood Cleanups: One to two times a year, neighbors volunteer to tidy the street, drains, and sidewalks.


Social Events: The neighborhood association sponsors several events during the year. Look for information on this website and in our e-newsletters.


There are many ways to support the Lockerbie Neighborhood: 

  • join the board
  • serve on a committee
  • become a block captain
  • contribute an article to Urban Times on behalf of the neighborhood
  • help with neighborhood cleanup
  • assist with a special project
  • submit a photograph to post on the LSNA web page
  • lend a hand at one of the annual events

Lockerbie Square

PO Box 44410
Indianapolis, IN 46244-0410

Additional Information

Do you have a question about the neighborhood and can't find an answer? Contact us, and someone will reach out to help.

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